It’s hard to believe it’s been four months since my last podcast episode. Life has a way of moving at a pace that sometimes makes us forget the impact we’re having on the world. When I first started the podcast, interviewing fellow abstract painters, it felt like a natural extension of my passion for art and the creative process. But what I didn’t fully grasp back then was how important these stories could be for others—especially for those artists who might be struggling.

Recently, I’ve received some incredible messages from artists who are on their own journeys. They’ve shared how much my podcast has meant to them, how listening to the stories of other artists gave them a sense of connection, hope, and inspiration. It was humbling to realize that what I had originally seen as a platform for interesting conversations had evolved into something much bigger. It’s become a lifeline for some—a way to see that they’re not alone in the highs and lows of their artistic journey.

For many of us, art is personal, and abstract art, in particular, often reflects the inner workings of our minds and souls. It can be isolating to pour so much of yourself into your work, unsure if anyone else will understand. This is why hearing from other artists—learning about their challenges, their creative processes, and their successes—can be so validating. It reminds us that we’re all part of a larger, supportive community.

What surprised me most was hearing from artists who were struggling, not just with their work, but with confidence and motivation. They told me that the conversations I’d had with other painters resonated with them in unexpected ways. For some, it was just hearing about a shared struggle that made them feel less alone. For others, it was learning how other artists had navigated through their own moments of doubt.

This feedback has been a wake-up call for me. I’ve realized that I was creating more than just content—I was building connections. The support I’ve received has reignited my passion for the podcast, and I’m already brainstorming ways to bring more episodes to life. I’m eager to dive back into these conversations and continue to provide a platform where artists can openly share their stories.

For those of you who have listened, reached out, and shared your thoughts—thank you. Your words have meant the world to me, and I’m excited to continue this journey with you. To all the struggling artists out there: keep creating, keep pushing through, and know that your work matters. We’re all in this together, and I’m honoured to be a small part of your artistic journey.

Stay tuned—more episodes are on the way!